
Troubled teens

Everyday kids are crying out for help. They are individuals too. They have hopes and dreams that go unheard and unacknowledged  leaving them feeling unloved and fending for themselves out on the streets.  Raised by single parents, parents who have drug and/or alcohol problems, parents with unrealistic expectations of their children and continuously push their children in the direction they want their child to go rather than hearing the voice of the child.  There are children living in physical and abusive households. 

Kids today are feeling the pressure of the world to grow up fast and with no direction. Their lives can feel overwhelming without knowing how to cope. 

Teens need love and discipline. And most importantly they need self-worth.  Take the time to teach a child how to fish, build things, golf, biking, canoeing, camping, gardening, playing an instrument, painting.

When we give a child a purpose in life we give them meaning and a sense of self-worth.


Teens have a difficult time expressing their emotions. With each cut they are releasing the feelings they are carrying inside of them.  It may be feelings of self-hatred, unloved, worthless, invisible, hopeless, shame, guilt? 

They may be filled with so much anger and pain that they don't know how else to get rid of these feelings.

They are screaming on the inside and no one can hear them. Cutting seems to be their only solution.

With each cut they can literally feel and see the emotions dripping slowly out of them, one drip at a time.


Teenage girls and boys are facing the same struggles. Whether it is being bullied, meeting parents expectations, never feeling adequate.  Depression and anxiety start to take over. Other common signs that they may be experiencing stress  are hair pulling, biting themselves, skin scratching.  

What parents need to know about self-harm:


Other forms of self-harm may include skin picking


Teen Depression

Signs to look for

Insomnia, fatigue, headache, stomachache, dizziness


Apathy, social withdrawal, unintended weight loss or weight gain


Drug or alcohol use, a drop in school performance, trouble concentrating


Isolation from friends and family


Depression can range from mild to severe.

Everyone experiences feelings of sadness or down in the dumps, however if these feelings continue to linger longer than two weeks seek medical help




Proverbs 22:6

Direct your child onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.